Monday, June 11, 2018

Divided Houses (6/10/18)

Kate Spade 

On Sunday, June 10th, I said farewell to the saints at Rehoboth Presbyterian Church. I served as their interim pastor for nearly two years and I will miss them greatly. I wanted my last sermon to be a grand message about healing the political divides in our communities and our nation. After the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, I felt the need to go in a different direction.

The Sabbath and the Law (6/3/18)

I am so grateful for the time I spent at Rehoboth.

On Sunday, June 3rd, we examined the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, and the contrast between obedience to the law and true righteousness. This was my next-to-last sermon at Rehoboth Presbyterian Church.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Moments of Clarity (5/20/18)

On Sunday, May 20th, I was elected to serve as the Pastor for First Presbyterian Church in Freehold, New Jersey. This is the sermon I preached for my candidacy. In this sermon I discuss my faith journey and how it brought me to Freehold. My first Sunday in the pulpit at Freehold will be July 8th.